
Americnans are now the *New Deniers*

In Uncategorized on April 23, 2013 at 5:15 pm

Adolph Hitler a German Terrorist murdered millions of men woman and children in full site for the world to see. Political leaders and presidents of many nations saw no evil- heard no evil- and did nothing to stop the evil. We see the same thing happening now. Innocent people are being slaughtered everyday-every where in the world. Little kids are blown-up in school buses- men are beheaded because they are JEWS-woman are stoned to death-little children who are watching a race in Boston have their little legs blown off- their mom is dead blown apart with nails and ball bearings that ripped into her skin.

Today in America Americans are being slaughtered by Islamic Muslim Terrorist. Today in America our President Hussein Obama Jr. is a “Denier of the truth. Is it any surprise that a President who has called the murder of 13 soldiers shot to death by a Islamic Muslim terrorist-yelling Allah Akbar, Hussein Obama said this is not Jihad terrorism- no, Hussein Obama Jr. said its Work place violence.

How bad is the Denier syndrome become in America;
Hillary Clinton a true hero of cover-up and lying about the Islamic Muslim killings of Americans in Benghazi. This pathetic incompetent woman actually said “What difference does it make now”, when she was asked how did these Americans die and never got any help from you or Hussein Obama Jr. Do you think the denier Hillary would have said that if it were Chelsea Clinton that was left to be killed?.

Boston Marathon Jihad- This is the new norm for America. Islamic Muslim terrorist kill-injure innocent people of all ages in the name of Allah the Islamic God-but our president cannot say it was done by Islamic Muslim Jihadist, but, Hussein the progressive denier and good friend of Bill Ayers-Ayers the infamous American hating terrorist has no problem labeling Tea Party patriots as extremist racist-haters. Tea Party folk simply rally and demonstrate to celebrate the greatness of America and to keep the American Dream alive.

Hussein Obama Jr. is a Denier of the American Dream, to Hussein Obama Jr. America is evil, America has stolen everything it has from other countries. And Hussein Obama Jr. has told the American People the he will fundamentally change America. Question, from what to what???- Well, unfortunately 50% of the American people are in total denial of who Hussein Obama really is. A former leader of ACORN a Marxist Communist Organization of street thugs- street thugs that Hussein Obama Jr. was a leader of.

Where do we non-deniers go now. What will it take for Americans to come out of the Hussein Obama Jr. trance of “Denial’.

Islam is at war with America, refusal to admit that especially after the latest Islamic Muslim killings at the Boston Marathon is going to allow more killings in America- one day these Muslim terrorist may kill or blow your kids legs off.

Message to the 50% of the Deniers of Muslim Terrorism in America. The Jihadist Barbarians are no longer at the gate , these killers have opened the gates-these are not good people with good intentions- these people are the Boston Marathon-9/11 Islamic terrorist professional terrorist.

Wake -Up==AMERICA—We Americans beat Hitler-the terrorist- we Americans can beat Allah the Terrorist. When 100% of Americans realize that Islam is a religion of hate and death not only to Those Jews but also to Americans who refuse to praise Allah, then and only then do we have a chance to save our country and save our kids from one day being blown-up in a school bus by Lunatic Islamic Muslims–WAKE-UP…. How much more evidence do you need to admit the truth about Islam and its true intent??–Your kids legs gone….

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